Wednesday, October 22, 2008

When one vote made a difference

A One-Vote Oddity

More One Vote Oddities

I hope these candidates read Proverbs 16:33!

1973    One vote would have prevented the drawing of straws to determine the winner in the tied race for La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District.

1981    The same thing happened in a school district election inBelmontCA. One vote would have prevented the drawing of straws to determine the winner of Chon Gutierrez over his opponent Stanley Langland.

Is this really the guy you want to advise the governor?

1988    One vote lost the election for the Democratic candidate for the Massachusetts Governor's Council, Herbert Connolly—his own! He arrived too late at the polls to cast his own vote. 

Somebody voted for these guys!

1991    One dissenting vote among members of the board of directors of an anti-poverty agency in Sullivan County, New York, spared them the dubious distinction of tossing the First Amendment into the trash can.


The town has some real problems!

1996       One vote, was all that was cast as none of the town officials in LorettoKentucky qualified as candidates for re-election. The single vote was cast by an absentee elector. He was in the military stationed at Scott Air Force Base, and had the only write-in votes cast in the entire election for the Loretto town council.


        Could this happen in your town? How does it happen in any town? It happens when people assume their vote doesn’t count and are “absent without excuse” on Election Day. Don’t let it happen in your town. Go to the polls. 

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